الثلاثاء، 31 مارس 2015

Masterminds Trailer: Watch Kristen Wiig And Zach Galifianakis Fail At Crime

The debut trailer for Masterminds has hit, proving that a semi-biographical, $17 million bank robbery, called one of the largest cash heists ever on American soil, can be viewed through the lens of slapstick hilarity. True crime now meets a star-studded consortium of contemporary comedy's best, like Kristen Wiig, Zach Galifianakis, and Owen Wilson, who look to prove that a "bullet between the biscuits" won't stop a collective case of low IQ larceny. Especially when there are so many other things that can stop them. Yes, that message in the beginning that reads, "based on a true story," is not just ...

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