الخميس، 17 سبتمبر 2015

New Macbeth Posters Arrive Online

New Macbeth Posters Arrive Online

All Hail!

They might not be quite as nifty as the exclusive imagery we brought you just as this month kicked off, but the two new Macbeth posters are striking enough in their own regard. Beware doubling, bubbling, toiling and troubling and check them out...


The protagonists are, of course, Fassbender’s Thane of Glamis, a loyal servant to King Duncan (David Thewlis) and cohort to Banquo (Paddy Considine). Well, he is those things until he encounters three witches (you can see them above) in the post-battle mists of the Scottish highlands and hears their prophecy of great power in his future. Their soothsaying takes root with the help of the honey poured into his ear by Lady Macbeth (Marion Cotillard).


Director Justin Kurzel has summoned the visual power and creeping madness of a medieval Apocalypse Now with an adaptation that's simultaneously faithful and fresh.  Rounding out the cast are Sean Harris, Elizabeth Debicki and Jack Reynor. Macbeth is out in the UK on October 2. And if all this Scottish playing puts you in the mood to see more of the story on screen, have a look at our guide to cinemacbeths... 

Source Empire News http://ift.tt/1QkTdsS


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