Though the Marvel Cinematic Universe itself won’t be represented at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, the allied TV series will be there. Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the new Guardians Of The Galaxy ‘toon are both appearing on panels and Marvel has conjured up some artwork for the shows.
Created by artist Jim Cheung and colourist Romulo Fajardo Jr., the S.H.I.E.L.D. poster features Clark Gregg’s Agent Coulson and the rest of the main cast in a collage that shows them all in action or pondering the middle distance, as faces on promotional posters are wont to do. The series, which returns in the autumn, is set to continue the Inhumans plotline that kicked into high gear this year with the revelations about Skye/Daisy (Chloe Bennett) and her connection to the characters we’ll see cropping up on the big screen in 2019. The Marvel TV panel, which will also include producers and cast from Agent Carter, will happen in Ballroom 20 on Friday July 10.
The Guardians image, meanwhile (debuted by IGN) has the characters from the comic book (and the slightly popular film) brought to animated life for a series of new adventures that won’t tie into James Gunn’s sequel, and doesn’t feature the voices of the movie cast, but promises to bring all the madness you’d expect from Star-Lord and co. The series is arriving on Disney XD on September 26, and footage will be screened at the Marvel Animation Presents panel in Room 6BCF on Saturday July 11.
Source Empire News
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