الأربعاء، 29 يوليو 2015

Vince Vaughn Reporting For Duty On Hacksaw Ridge

Vince Vaughn Reporting For Duty On Hacksaw Ridge

He'll join Andrew Garfield in Mel Gibson's new film


His most recent film – Unfinished Business – was not, to put it kindly, well received, and he’s scoring some divisive reactions for his work on this season of True Detective. Unbowed, Vince Vaughn is ploughing ahead with a gig that definitely won’t be controversial, a role in Mel Gibson’s next film, Hacksaw Ridge. Hang on…

Announced back in November, Hacksaw Ridge is based on the true story of Desmond T. Doss, who served as a US Army medic in World War II during the battle of Okinawa and refused to kill. Despite his objections, his incredible valour saving lives during the battle saw him awarded the Medal of Honor, the first time a conscientious objector has won the decoration.

Andrew Garfield is now officially aboard to play Doss, with Sam Worthington as one of his fellow troops. Vaughn, according to Deadline, will be Sergeant Howell, whose job it was to prepare the soldiers for battle. A hard man to please, who tested his troops to the limits of their endurance, he nevertheless cared about the men under his command and was concerned by Doss’ refusal to shoot the enemy. 

Randall Wallace wrote the script for this one, and Gibson plans to crank the cameras in Australia. Vaughn will be seen in and produced the graphic novel adaptation Term Life, which has yet to secure a release date. 

Source Empire News http://ift.tt/1SgLKjZ

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