الأربعاء، 20 مايو 2015

The Voices Director Marjane Satrapi Sets Up Her New Film

The Voices Director Marjane Satrapi Sets Up Her New Film

About a fake Fakir's misadventures in Europe...


Marjane Satrapi is not a director who makes run-of-the-mill movies. Her work to date has included graphic novel adaptation Persepolis and The Voices, which had Ryan Reynolds as an accidental serial killer who hears his pets speak in his brain. She’s continuing the run of unusual films with her latest, The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir Who Got Trapped In An Ikea Wardrobe

Adapted from Romain Puertolas’ bestselling book, the story follows a con man from New Delhi who travels to France and falls in love with a Parisian. But even as he’s trying to woo the woman, he’s accidentally deported with a group of African refugees to a far corner of Europe. “I made a film about the Iranian revolution, Persepolis, another film about a man who kills himself for love, Chicken With Plums, and this movie will touch on immigration but as always, in a light and humorous way,” the director tells Variety. “It’s a story about love, magic and adventure and it takes place across three continents. I’m drawn to fantasy stories and I love creating worlds that don’t exist, imagining things in bigger and more beautiful ways because reality bores me.” 

She has Indian actor Dhanush in talks for the lead role, and is looking for three English-speaking actors to complete her main cast. We can’t wait to see cinema owners try to fit that title on even digital billboards. 

Source Empire News http://ift.tt/1PxpWzp

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