Like a naked cyborg barrelling down a time tunnel, Terminator Genisys draws inexorably nearer. And lest we forget its place amongst this year's plethora of blockbuster action, here's a handful of new posters, individually showcasing Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, Jason Clarke and Byung-hun Lee.
NB. The marketing for this film has already been inexplicably spoiler-heavy, and one of these posters is no different. So don't embiggen these if you want to enter the theatre in blissful ignorance.{Terminator Genisys Character Posters}
For those not already in the know, Genisys starts in 2029, with the war between the human rebels and Skynet’s malicious machines is in full swing. Present and correct – though played now by different actors – are John Connor (Jason Clarke) and Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) who are taking advantage of pushing back against the antagonistic artificial intelligence to send Reese to 1984 on his mission to save Sarah Connor from termination at the hands of a killer cyborg.
Except when Reese arrives, he discovers that the timeline has been altered and this Sarah (Emilia Clarke) was orphaned years ago by a Terminator attack. She has been raised by an Arnold Schwarzenegger-style ‘bot that has been living and ageing among humans. The changes are, somewhat naturally, already sparking plenty of debate.
We now know more details than this thanks to the posters and the trailer, but we'll not go into them to save your experience. These surprising reveals must happen pretty early in the film though; there must be more secrets that we aren't expecting at all. It's show and tell, kids: they show us everythin' and tell us nothin'.
With Matt Smith also among the cast and Thor: The Dark World’s Alan Taylor calling the shots, Terminator Genisys (no colon; Terminators don't need colons) is set for UK release on July 3.
Source Empire News
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