الجمعة، 9 يناير 2015

New Ant-Man Images Scuttle Online

New Ant-Man Images Scuttle Online

Plus Paul Rudd & Kevin Feige discuss Edgar Wright's exit

There's been something of an Ant-Man onslaught this week, with first the trailer and now a new set of stills exiting the Marvel nest and squinting in the light of the wider world. Behold below as Paul Rudd enjoys jocular conversations with Michael Douglas and Peyton Reed, and approaches and displays his new super-togs. There's a shot of Evangeline Lilly too.{New Ant-Man Stills}

Elsewhere in EW's feature it remains clear that Edgar Wright continues to cast a long shadow over the entire Ant-Man project. Addressing the issue of Wright's departure, Marvel honcho Kevin Feige reiterates that it was disappointing but amicable.

"It is true that there were disagreements about the direction the script should take,” he explains. "but everything was above board. Everything was done with everybody else’s knowledge. There was a sense of ‘We’re going in this direction, you’re staying in this direction... maybe it’s best that we end as friends.'"

Rudd, meanwhile, says he was "devastated" to see Wright go, but that his imprint remains to an extent. "The bones of it is really Edgar and Joe [Cornish],” he says. “It’s been an emotional roller coaster, but I’m very excited now.” Wright and Cornish have ended up with a story credit, with Rudd and Adam McKay officially labelled the screenwriters.

Ant-Man is out in the UK on July 17. And in case you missed it, here's that teaser again.

Source Empire News http://ift.tt/1xYMVI0

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