الخميس، 29 يناير 2015

Terminator Genisys Super Bowl Spot Online

Terminator Genisys Super Bowl Spot Online

Watch out for back-flipping buses...

This weekend sees the biggest event in the American Football sporting calendar: the Super Bowl. And with it comes a raft of expensive adverts for all sorts of things, including some of the big movies hitting cinemas in the coming months. Once relegated to airing during the game itself, the TV spots now arrive in advance. Here’s the effort from the Terminator Genisys team.

It’s essentially a cut-down selection of footage from the recent trailer, arranged so as to cram in as much about the story as is possible in a 30-second commercial. The story branches off from the original in that it still sees Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) volunteering to go back in time and save John Connor (Jason Clarke)’s mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke), only to discover that the timeline has been tinkered with and things are very different. This is not the be-permed, Everywoman Sarah we met in 1984’s The Terminator. Instead, this Sarah lost her parents to a Terminator attack but was raised to be a warrior by an ageing version of Arnie’s T-800. And Kyle will need her help when an Asian model of the morphing metal T-1000 (Byung-hun Lee) threatens his life.

The spot has plenty of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the older Terminator (there’s a new picture of him below), with Clarke and Courtney present and correct. Still no glimpse of Matt Smith or J.K. Simmons, though. {Terminator Genisys Old Arnie Still}

Terminator Genisys will use a portal to arrive in our cinemas on July 3.

Source Empire News http://ift.tt/1JOupqU

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