'It was a mental stroll into the world Ridley Scott created...'
His CV has one or two projects lurking on it that remained frustratingly out of reach – the much-heralded but still unmade Halo film fits that category – but District 9 director Neill Blomkamp has shown a welcome willingness to share when he knows the movies won’t go ahead. He has apparently been quietly developing his take on an Alien franchise sequel, and shared some imagery via Twitter. {Blomkamp Alien Images}
Admitting that the idea had no official input from 20th Century Fox, which controls the rights to make any Alien follow-ups and seems more committed to having Ridley Scott direct (or at least produce) a Prometheus sequel, Blomkamp enthusiastically showed off intriguing artwork that included a look at Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley in human and alien-hybrid form and appears to include Michael Biehn as Hicks.
No plot details were given, and it definitely appears that Blomkamp won’t be going ahead with what was called Alien: Xenomorph, but even this brief glimpse from the Elysium director’s development portfolio is enough to make us wish he’d managed to get it off the ground. “Woulda rocked,” Blomkamp said on Twitter. “Was a mental stroll into the world that Ridley Scott created. Maybe I’ll go back to it…”
Blomkamp’s actual next project, robo-drama Chappie, will hit UK screens on March 6.
Source Empire News http://ift.tt/1D9jW8D
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