The British Academy of Film and Television Arts announced the nominations for its annual Film Awards Friday, with Carol and Bridge of Spies leading the way with nine nominations each.
Those two films will compete against Spotlight, The Big Short and The Revenant in the Best Film category. Carol stars
...Other Links From
- Carol
- Bridge Of Spies
- The Revenant
- Spotlight
- The Big Short
- Cate Blanchett
- Rooney Mara
- Todd Haynes
- Steven Spielberg
- Mark Rylance
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
- Bryan Cranston
- Matt Damon
- Michael Fassbender
- Eddie Redmayne
- Brie Larson
- Saoirse Ronan
- Maggie Smith
- Alicia Vikander
- Jennifer Jason Leigh
- Julie Walters
- Kate Winslet
- Christian Bale
- Benicio Del Toro
- Idris Elba
- Mark Ruffalo
- Ridley Scott
- Adam McKay
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