الخميس، 27 أغسطس 2015

First Look At Michael Fassbender In Assassin's Creed

First Look At Michael Fassbender In Assassin's Creed

Poise in the hood

Welcome to what has apparently been unofficially designated Michael Fassbender Picture Day. We’ve already brought you some exclusives posters from the new Macbeth, which features The Fass as the plotting Scot, and now here is the first look at him as Callum Lynch in the adaptation of Assassin’s Creed, courtesy of Yahoo. 


Taking as its basis the Ubisoft game, Assassin’s Creed will see Lynch discovering that he’s descended from a secretive society of assassins and is coerced into experiencing the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar in 15th century Spain. Thanks to technology that unlocks genetic memories, he’s able to amass knowledge and skills, which will come in handy since he has to take on the centuries-old Templar organization in the present day. 

Fassbender heads a cast that also includes Marion Cotillard (his lady Macbeth), Michael Kenneth Williams and Ariane Labed. It’s directed, in another connection to the adaptation of The Scottish Play, by Macbeth’s Justin Kurzel. Production kicks off next week, with filming scheduled for Malta, London and Spain, so we’d expect to learn more casting in the coming weeks.

The film itself will be out in the UK on December 30 next year. 

Source Empire News http://ift.tt/1NXhODk

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