الثلاثاء، 28 أبريل 2015

Ansel Elgort Meets The Dukes Of Oxy

Ansel Elgort Meets The Dukes Of Oxy

Adapting the drug drama at New Line

The article has only just been published in Rolling Stone magazine, but The Fault In Our Stars' Ansel Elgort and producer Michael De Luca have already snapped The Dukes Of Oxy up for screen adaptation. They're setting up the drug smuggling drama at New Line.

Still on news stands in the Rolling Stone issue with Kurt Cobain on the cover, The Dukes Of Oxy is the unlikely story of some high-school wrestlers who built a multi-million dollar sideline smuggling prescription painkillers out of Florida in exchange for teddy bears stuffed with cash. Doug Dodd and his wrestling partner Lance Barabas were the principal playas, with Elgort eyeing the role of Dodd, apparently the more rational of the two.

The article itself is by Guy Lawson, who also wrote Arms And The Dudes for Rolling Stone, which is currently underway as a film with Todd Phillips directing and Miles Teller and Jonah Hill at the top of the cast.

The Dukes Of Oxy has no announced screenwriters, crew or start dates in place yet. But it marks De Luca's return to his former home at New Line after runs at Sony and Universal. His previous hits at the studio include Boogie Nights and Se7en, so the Dukes are in good company.

Source Empire News http://ift.tt/1ziCDH5

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