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الاثنين، 20 أبريل 2015

Louis CK And Kevin Hart's Animated Comedy Has An Incredible Cast

It used to be that actors did animated films because that was the only work they were typically hired for. All of that changed once Robin Williams let the proverbial genie out of the bottle with his performance in Disney's classic Aladdin, and nowadays animated films are normally stuffed with heavyweight Hollywood names. In the case of The Secret Life Of Pets, Louis CK and Kevin Hart are the anchors, and they've got some interesting back up checking off all of the other boxes. Courtesy of a report from The Hollywood Reporter, we learned that the recently rescheduled Universal Studios ...
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10 Marvel Side Characters Who May Get Way More Important

Just because a character doesn’t lead their own story doesn’t mean they aren't significant to the action. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, many of the supporting allies and enemies have their own purpose, and sometimes grow more important as time goes on. Case in point, Brock Rumlow, a.k.a. Crossbones. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he served as the leader of the S.T.R.I.K.E. unit that was secretly working for HYDRA. Having survived his injuries, he will return in Captain America: Civil War and reportedly be the one who ...
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Pee-wee's Big Holiday Adds Jessica Pohly As Badass Role

We're pretty excited around these parts for Netflix's upcoming movie Pee-wee's Big Holiday, which sees Paul Reubens return to his beloved alter ego. The cast has been coming together, and now they've added Jessica Pohly in a potentially badass role. According to Variety, Pohly will make her feature film debut in Pee-wee's Big Holiday playing the leader of a gang of bank robbers, which is awesome because that means Reubens' ridiculous little man child is going to come into contact with a gang of bank robbers. We've seen him run afoul of bikers before, knocking over their precious motorcycles, so ...
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Chalk Up Another Win For Those Adorable Minions

There are all kinds of things that illustrate how big a cultural impact a movie has. Maybe dialogue weaves its way into our collective lexicon, perhaps The Simpsons spoofs a film in an episode, maybe it gets a porn parody. Now the Despicable Me movies have found a unique lasting imprint, as the mischievous Minions have inspired their very own color of paint. You may look at the naughty little buggers and think, "They look yellow," but now and forever more, that precise shade will be known as "Minion Yellow," according to the Pantone Color Institute. This particular hue is ...
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Batman V Superman Trailer Event Shows Additional Footage Of Clash

In an event that likely was supposed to carry a little more sound and fury, Zack Snyder introduced the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer to a packed house in IMAX theaters across the country. (Well, our theater in Charlotte, North Carolina was filled, to capacity with eager fans). As many of you know, the first official footage for Snyder's Man of Steel sequel reached the internet early, stealing the thunder of this IMAX event. But Snyder had an ace up his sleeve... additional footage he always planned to tag on the end of the trailer that would be ...
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The Battle Of The Sexes Tennis Match Is Getting A Movie With Huge Stars

Back in 1973, the world watched on as champion tennis stars Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs went head-to-head in a match labeled The Battle of the Sexes, and the battle wound up becoming one of the most notable sports events of the 20th century. Now that great moment in history is getting a cinematic adaptation, and it will be Emma Stone and Steve Carrell will be reuniting to play the lead roles in the movie. The Wrap was the first to report this news, confirming that Stone will be playing the then-29-year-old King, while Carell will be starring as ...
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Apparently Batman v Superman Will Be Shown A Week Early To Select Superfans

Given that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice isn't coming out until March of next year, it still feels like an eternity needs to pass before we see it. For some lucky fans, however, that wait just got about a week shorter. That's because those attending tonight's special IMAX screenings of the upcoming movie's trailer have been given passes that will give them early access to the blockbuster. This news is coming to us from, which says that those who make the trip out to tonight's theatrical trailer showings will receive special passes that will allow them access ...
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Transformers 5 Is Happening, But You'll Have To Wait

Hasbro and Paramount Pictures are not ready to give up on Transformers, and Age of Extinction will not prove to be the final movie in the series. But while we already knew that Transformers 5 and more live-action sequels are in the works, when are they coming? Who's working on them? During their 2015 Q1 Earnings Conference Call, Hasbro answered a few of these questions for the public – including the fact that the next movie won't be coming out until 2017. According to, Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner revealed that the toy brand and Paramount are planning a release year for Transformers 5. ...
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Wonder Woman's Batman v Superman Suit Is A Lot More Colorful Than We Thought

When we got our first look at Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice last summer at San Diego Comic-Con, the costume appeared to be largely shades of just one color: bronze. Well, now new evidence has popped online suggesting that the outfit is actually quite a bit more colorful than we were originally led to believe: This image is a screencap from a video released by Bleacher Report, which recently followed Los Angeles Clippers center and Batman fan DeAndre Jordan around as he visited an exhibit showing off some very cool stuff from Zack Snyder's ...
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LEGO Movie 2 Is Going Really Obvious With Its Official Title

The LEGO Movie 2 has revealed its title, and it's so delightfully on the nose you'll instantly fall in love with the franchise all over again. Warner Bros. confirmed that The LEGO Movie 2 will now and forever be known as The LEGO Movie Sequel. You'll either think that title is a complete stroke of genius or the laziest attempt to devise a moniker in the history of movies.  The Hollywood Reporter were the first to unveil the title, and it's also been revealed that The LEGO Movie Sequel has a new release date too, as it's been brought forward a week ...
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Good Will Hunting's Original Script Contained A Pretty Aggressive Gay Sex Scene

It’s no secret that some of our favorite movie classics looked drastically different in the early stages, but would anyone have guessed that a pretty intense gay sex scene figured into the original draft of Good Will Hunting? Harvey Weinstein hit up the Tribeca Film Festival this past weekend for a panel and revealed a ton of his Hollywood experiences, one of which was this hard-to-believe tidbit.  As reported by UPROXX, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck approached Weinstein with this particular draft of Good Will Hunting. It was on page 60 that he realized this standout scene, and ...
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Aaron Taylor-Johnson Made 2 Changes To Quicksilver In Avengers 2

We know Quicksilver moves fast. You can't do the classic Marvel superhero on screen without showing his blur-fast speed (a characteristic brought to life in both X-Men: Days of Future Past and, now, The Avengers: Age of Ultron). But does Quicksilver ever slow down? Does he get winded? Basically, does he ever let us see him sweat? He does in Joss Whedon's upcoming Marvel superhero blockbuster, and it's a very funny character touch that I couldn't wait to talk to Aaron Taylor-Johnson about during the recent Avengers press day. Taylor-Johnson has the distinction of being one of the newcomers to ...
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Check Out The Batmobile's Sweet New Features

You can't have Batman on the big screen without the Batmobile, and from what we've seen so far, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is going to give us a great version of the Caped Crusader's wheels. Last September, director Zack Snyder posted an in-depth photo of what the car will look like, and there was a brief glimpse of the vehicle in action from last Friday's teaser trailer. Now we have our most detailed look at the next live-action Batmobile thanks to Los Angeles Clippers center DeAndre Thomas - considered to be the biggest Batman fan in the NBA ...
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Suicide Squad May Feature A Prison Cameo From Another Famous Villain

Next year's comic book-inspired rampage of rogues, Suicide Squad, has already distinguished itself with an extensive, impressive cast that's armed with the potential to help set the stage for a burgeoning DC Comics cinematic continuity over at Warner Bros. In fact, a notable tidbit about a confirmed cast member and his reptilian character has just emerged, hinting an interesting slow-burn rollout. According to Umberto "El Mayimbe" Gonzalez of Latino Review, the brutish, grotesque villain, Killer Croc, who will be played by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, will show up in Suicide Squad in a cage. Gonzalez's source indicates that the role of Killer ...
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Zoolander 2 Just Added Billy Zane, Hopefully To Say 'It's A Walk Off' Again

The first Zoolander featured a large number of rather great cameos, from Vince Vaughn to David Duchovny. But while we can't say at this point if most of them will be coming back for the sequel, at least one has now been confirmed: Billy Zane is coming back for Zoolander 2 everyone! Of course, this is no ordinary casting announcement. Ben Stiller, who is directing, producing and starring in the upcoming sequel, took to his personal Instagram account to reveal the big news, and did so in video format this time around: Hansel has some #Zoolander2 news about @billyzane A video ...
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The Batman V Superman Honest Teaser Is Funny And Clever

"Get ready to debate a teaser that will probably generate more drama than the movie itself." That can only refer to one thing: the Honest Trailer edition of the Batman v Superman trailer! Since debuting last week, our first look at Zack Snyder's Man of Steel sequel/Justice League prequel has been the talk of the town. Well, that and the new trailer for Fantastic Four. But whether you love it or love to hate it, you'll likely get a kick out of this hilarious spoof.  "Is it really surprising that a movie starring the two most iconic superheroes in ...
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Tron 3 Will Explore What Happens When Olivia Wilde Enters The Real World

When it was announced a few weeks back that Tron Legacy stars Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund would be reprising their roles in an upcoming sequel to that 2010 franchise revival, it was rather surprising for several reasons; notably, the film's less-than-stellar performance. Yet, for the film's co-star, Wilde, the delays that mired this film may have proven fortuitous when it came to finding a good story. In a recent interview, the actress discusses what's in store for her character, Quorra. Sitting down with Collider at the Tribeca Film Festival, Olivia Wilde addressed her return to the Tron franchise, promising an ...
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Furious 7 Just Raced Past Two Massive Milestones

In case you might have missed this continuing narrative, Furious 7 is apparently doing a little more than well at the box office. In fact, it continues to do phenomenally, as evidenced by the fact that the film crossed the $1 billion mark this past weekend, becoming the first film in Universal Studios history to achieve said mark. Additionally, this high-octane accolade also comes with another achievement, since it has distinguished itself as the quickest film to have ever accomplished this feat, only having been released a bit over two weeks ago. Universal Studios, the distributor of James Wan's Furious 7, heralded the ...
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3 Big Things Mark Hamill Revealed About Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Our minds are still reeling with all of the information absorbed from Star Wars Celebration over the weekend. The highlight continues to be the Star Wars: The Force Awakens panel, where J.J. Abrams introduced the new cast, the old cast, and unveiled that second trailer (which we're posting below). Then there was all of that Star Wars: Rogue One trivia. Are you hungry for even more Star Wars news? Mark Hamill has you covered. On Saturday evening, Mark Hamill participated in an hour-long discussion of all things Star Wars from the stage of the convention center in Anaheim. And ...
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Ray Park Wants To Bring Back Darth Maul With Robotic Legs

Star Wars: The Force Awakens already features a ton of returning players, including Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2 (Kenny Baker). There's even a throwback to Darth Vader: his charred, melted helmet popped up in the latest trailer release. In light of the potential for original characters to make their comebacks, actor Ray Park wants to return as Darth Maul. And he has an idea of how to do it.  As reported by IGN, Park took the stage during a Q&A presentation at ...
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