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الاثنين، 31 ديسمبر 2018

Here's When Stranger Things Season 3 is Hitting Netflix

It may be 2019 now, but pretty soon we'll all be venturing back to 1985 because Stranger Things' third season is heading to Netflix just in time for the next big fireworks holiday. Netflix dropped a video teaser for the show's new season at the stroke of midnight, and in it,...

Here Are the Other New Year's Eve Marathons Happening Today

If you're not as hyped about tonight's ball-dropping bonanza as everyone else, don't worry. There are still plenty of viewing options lined up for your New Year's Eve that have nothing to do with confetti or champagne. Whether you want to spend the day trekking through the...

Donald Trump's Last Interview of the Year Will Air on Fox News' New Year's Eve Special

Donald Trump has had an interesting year of interviews with Fox News in 2018. Sometimes, his discussions with the network's anchors and hosts were planned well in advance, but in many cases, the POTUS would do things like hop from the Oval Office onto the White House lawn or...

Louis C.K. Under Fire for Leaked Comedy Set Ripping Parkland Survivors, Gender-Neutral Pronouns

2018 isn't done with us just yet because Louis C.K. has made his way back into headlines for all the wrong reasons... again. A leaked audio snippet of one of his recent comedy sets has revealed the embattled comedian ripping into modern teens for suggesting gender-neutral pronouns...

How to Watch and Stream the New Year's Eve Ball Drop The Times Square event is co-hosted by Allison Hagendorf and street correspondents Andrea Boehlke and Jeremy Hassel, with musical guests like Bebe Rexha and lovelytheband, a dance routine by The Lab and a performance by the USO Show Troupe. Here's a rundown...

These New Year-Themed TV Episodes Will Get You in the Mood for that Ball Drop

When it comes to holiday-themed episodes of your favorite TV shows, New Year's Eve is a pretty roundly underrated source of inspiration for quality programming. Sure, Halloween tends to feature more fun costumes and spooky scenarios on-screen, and you gotta give Christmas the...

51 TV Shows to Inspire Your 2019 New Year's Resolutions

You're about as likely to lose weight, stop drinking, sort out your finances and write the great American novel in 2019 as you are to marry Sasquatch on a moonlit beach ceremony and ride off on a unicorn, but it's okay. Most people don't keep the resolutions they make for the...

Kathy Griffin Claims CNN Backed Out of Hiring Leslie Jones as New Year's Eve Co-host

Kathy Griffin may have made peace with the fact that she won't be returning to co-host CNN's New Year's Eve Live countdown with Anderson Cooper this year, but that doesn't mean she is ready to play nice with the network just yet. In a lengthy Twitter thread on Monday morning,...

Netflix Has Fake New Year's Eve Countdown Videos to Trick Your Kids Into Going to Bed Early

If there's any group of people who know staying in is the new going out, it's parents -- especially on New Year's Eve -- and if anybody knows this best, it's the folks over at Netflix. The streaming giant's latest research says that 77 percent of U.S. parents would rather stay...

الأحد، 30 ديسمبر 2018

Outlander Stars Break Down Brianna and Jamie's 'Bittersweet' Meeting

Sunday evening gave Outlander fans a reunion they've been waiting for since the beginning of Season 2 (or for over 20 years for die-hard book fans) when Brianna (Sophie Skelton) finally came face to face with her birth father Jamie (Sam Heughan) in colonial North Carolina. The...

The Blacklist Boss on What's Next for the Impostor Raymond Reddington in Season 6

The Blacklist ended Season 5 with another shocking twist: The bones Raymond "Red" Reddington (James Spader) had been seeking all season belonged to the real Raymond Reddington, and the criminal mastermind fans have come to know and love -- the man Agent Elizabeth Keen (Megan...

No, Black Mirror Won't Do More Interactive Episodes in Season 5

For those of us who've spent the weekend watching-slash-playing through all the possible scenarios and hunting for Easter eggs in Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, it might seem like this is a game-changer (no pun intended). Whereas all the prior episodes of Black Mirror only winked...

The Best Show I Watched in 2018 Went Off the Air Three Years Ago

The end of the calendar year is a time for lists. In the world of TV criticism, it's a time for lists that purport to rattle off the 10 best shows (or more!) of the year. As I tried desperately to remember 10 shows I watched this year that I would classify as being deserving...

How to Watch the New Year's Eve Ball Drop The Times Square event is co-hosted by Allison Hagendorf and street correspondents Andrea Boehlke and Jeremy Hassel, with musical guests like Bebe Rexha and lovelytheband, a dance routine by The Lab and a performance by the USO Show Troupe. This is a show...

السبت، 29 ديسمبر 2018

Every Easter Egg in Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

Did you go through every scenario possible in Black Mirror: Bandersnatch yet? Have you watched each alternate ending of the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure episode, discovered the hidden post-credits scene, and spotted all the easter eggs? If not, don't sweat it. We've got you covered. For...

Your Complete Guide to Netflix Originals in 2019

Ready for some more Netflix Originals overload in the New Year? Hopefully so, 'cause whether or not your to-be-watched pile is already sprawling enough, the streaming service is not slowing down its new offerings slate one bit. With new films and series, plus the returns of...

53 People You Forgot Were on Supernatural

Supernatural has been on the air for 14 seasons. 14. Seasons. That is basically forever in TV years! Now the CW series will celebrate its landmark 300th episode in the new year, so it's only natural that literally everyone in Canada (and maybe the United States) has appeared...

الجمعة، 28 ديسمبر 2018

You Can Watch the Premiere of Showtime's Black Monday Right Now!

Happy Friday! You can head into this holiday weekend with your first taste of Showtime's upcoming dark comedy series Black Monday right now. The premium network has made the full first episode of the distressingly-maybe-a-little-timely-since-the-stock-market-is-crazy-right-now...

Are We Hearing Things, Or Did Grover Drop the F-Bomb on Sesame Street?

Like Yanny or Laurel or The Dress, we've got another internet perception mystery on our hands. This time, Sesame Street is at the center of an f-bomb conspiracy. Reddit user schrodert1 posted the clip in question on the aggregator site Thursday afternoon where Grover appears...

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch Is Finally Here and It's Choose Your Own Adventure

Christmas is apparently lasting through the weekend because Netflix delivered the gift of more Black Mirror on Friday with the semi-surprise drop of Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. While every season of Black Mirror is full of surprises, the first full-length movie from Charlie...

Pour One Out for the TV Characters We Lost in 2018

It's been a long year and there's no better way to show just how much we've been through in the last 12 months than to look back at everything we lost. Although 2018 had nothing on the emotional gut-punch that was 2016, TV Guide's in memoriam for the TV characters we've lost...

19 Shows We Lost in 2018, from The Originals to Timeless

Shows come and shows go -- it's the natural order of things. But that doesn't make the cancellations any less painful. And while 2018 may not have seen a particularly shocking number of shows biting the dust, 'twas the year of endings that shocked fans as networks yanked some...

الخميس، 27 ديسمبر 2018

Here's Why People Can't Stop Tweeting About Bird Box

You might not think watching a gloomy post-apocalyptic thriller would be the way people would want to spend their precious time off during the winter holidays, but it's still 2018, which means all the 2018 rules apply (read: there aren't any). How else could you imagine closing...

2018 Was the Greatest Year for The Challenge Yet

The Challenge has been an institution on MTV for over 20 years. While the series has remained a consistent source of reality show gold over the years, 2018 saw the long-running competition deliver its best work since Y2K. The Challenge has always been unique in the fact that...

51 Shows That'll Help You Live Your Best Life in 2019

You're about as likely to lose weight, stop drinking, sort out your finances and write the great American novel in 2019 as you are to marry Sasquatch on a moonlit beach ceremony and ride off on a unicorn, but it's okay. Most people don't keep the resolutions they make for the...

In 2018, TV Became a Respite From Reality With Diverse LGBTQ Storytelling

The real world has been a terrifying place for LGBTQ people in 2018. From President Donald Trump's transphobic memo to news about the lack of questions about gender identity and sexuality planned for the 2020 U.S. census, LGBTQ Americans are living under an administration set...

You Definitely Won't Relax After Watching the Black Mirror: Bandersnatch Trailer

Netflix has finally released a trailer for its new Black Mirror movie "Bandersnatch," and although the theme song running behind all the action might instruct us to "Relax," that's just not a possibility. At all. The official logline for "Bandersnatch" puts it all pretty mildly: "In...

There Were A Ton of Wicked Witches on TV in 2018, So We Ranked Them

It's pretty fair to say that 2018 was a witch of a year. Especially on television. Not only did Netflix debut Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, but The CW also premiered its Charmed reboot and a witch-heavy Legacies spin-off of The Vampire Diaries. All this while FX resurrected its popular American ... Read More > Other Links From American...

الأربعاء، 26 ديسمبر 2018

Vikings: Who Survived the Battle — and Who Didn't?

[Warning: The following contains spoilers for the latest episode of Vikings. Read at your own risk!] We're only halfway through the back half of Vikings' fifth season and the History series has delivered another fatal battle, setting the board for an intriguing lead-up to the...

10 New Shows to Obsess Over in 2019

We know, you're still desperate to find time to watch all the great television from 2018 that you haven't gotten around to, but we've got news: Another flood of awesome TV is about to come your way. All signs are pointing to 2019 being an even bigger year for television than...

Brilliant! Doctor Who Is Ringing in the New Year with the Daleks

The universe's baddest creatures are staging a comeback! A new sneak peek at Doctor Who's New Year's Day special teases the return of the show's most iconic villain. "This is the DNA of the most dangerous creature in the universe," Jodie Whittaker's Time Lord warns in the ominous...

Revisit the Best, Worst and Most Unforgettable TV Moments of 2018

Here we are in another December, remembering awesome stuff that happened back in the spring that seemed like it happened five years ago because there are a bajillion shows on at all times. It's crazy to think that even in a year without massive hits like Stranger Things and...

Ranking the 25 Best TV Shows of 2018

This past year in television was a wild one, folks. Experts estimate that more than 5 billion television shows aired in 2018, and we watched every single one. It got us thinking: What if we put together a list of all the best shows of the year? We may be on to something here......

The 25 Best Episodes of TV in 2018, Ranked

Thanks to the internet age, we have a tendency to swallow entire seasons of TV whole. When we slam the "next episode" button in a binge-watch session as soon as the previous episode is done, the individual parts blur together, like a TV panini. But television is still crafted...

Ranking the 25 Best Performances on TV in 2018

Think about your favorite television show this year. Now imagine it without any actors. Yeah, the people in front of the camera are pretty important to the whole production, so we decided to celebrate those who wowed us in 2018. What we found was that great performances came...

الثلاثاء، 25 ديسمبر 2018

Let Us Know Which Chris YOU Think Is the Best Chris

Welcome to TV Guide's 12 Days of Chris-Mas, a festive celebration of famous dudes named Chris. Every day leading up to Dec. 25, we will honor a single Chris, counting down to the best Chris of the year. We've told you about why each Chris in our 12 Days of Chris-mas is the...

Chris Hemsworth Is No Longer Just the Hunky Chris, He's the Best Chris

Welcome to TV Guide's 12 Days of Chris-Mas, a festive celebration of famous dudes named Chris. Every day leading up to Dec. 25, we will honor a single Chris, counting down to the best Chris of the year. Today, that honor goes to Chris Hemsworth, the No. 1 Chris. Of all the...

Here's the Best Christmas TV Marathons to Watch

This holiday season has already been stacked with festive favorites airing on TV and holidays treats via your favorite streaming services, but there's no better time to cuddle up on the couch with your loved ones and take in some tinselly TV than on Christmas. While some networks...

الاثنين، 24 ديسمبر 2018

Kevin Spacey Posts Bizarre Video as Frank Underwood Amid Sexual Assault Charge

Kevin Spacey seemingly addressed the sexual misconduct and assault allegations against him, while in character as a Frank Underwood, in a video released to his YouTube channel on Monday. The clip came mere moments after Cape and Islands, Mass. District Attorney Michael O'Keefe...

The Best Movies of 2018 to Stream Right Now

This was a transformative year for cinema, where blockbuster releases like Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War co-mingled with critically acclaimed hits such as A Star Is Born and A Quiet Place at the box office, while streaming platforms debuted some of 2018's most-talked-about...

The Year We Fell Back In Love With Romantic Comedies

The past 12 months were just a year, standing in front of an audience, asking them to love it. Finally. After being dormant for too long, romantic comedies trended way up in 2018, a year that saw Netflix embrace the genre previously left behind by Hollywood movie studios and...

It's Time to Let Chris Evans Be More Than Just Captain America

Welcome to TV Guide's 12 Days of Chris-Mas, a festive celebration of famous dudes named Chris. Every day leading up to Dec. 25, we will honor a single Chris, counting down to the best Chris of the year. Today, that honor goes to Chris Evans, the second best Chris. After Avengers:...

Here's Every TV Marathon Airing on Christmas

This holiday season has already been stacked with festive favorites airing on TV and holidays treats via your favorite streaming services, but there's no better time to cuddle up on the couch with your loved ones and take in some tinselly TV than on Christmas. While some networks...

الأحد، 23 ديسمبر 2018

Escape at Dannemora's Eric Lange Lost 35 Pounds for a Single Episode

After building up to and finally showing the long-awaited prison break in Episode 5, Escape at Dannemora's sixth episode flashed back and showed viewers how David Sweat (Paul Dano) and Richard Matt (Benicio Del Toro) ended up in the prison, as well as how Tilly (Patricia Arquette)...

Dirty John Shows How Difficult Leaving An Abusive Relationship Can Be

[Warning: The following post spoilers about Episode 5 of Dirty John ahead. This story also discusses domestic abuse. If you are in an abusive relationship and need help, you can visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline website here or call 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224.] One...

Carpool Karaoke Did a Thing to Get You Ready for Christmas

This year, James Corden was obviously working hard to stay on the nice list because he put together a special montage surprise for fans of Carpool Karaoke that includes cameos from all your favorite viral rides throughout the seasons. Even though it wasn't winter during the...

The Orville Is Headed for a 'Bigger' and 'Intense' Season 2

When The Orville returns for its second season on Dec. 30, it'll be more of the same. Emphasis on more. Not only will Season 2 have more episodes than Season 1 (14 to 12), but the sci-fi series is really pushing what worked in Season 1. "Season 1 of every show, you're kind...

Pixar Gifted the World Bao for the Holidays

As if there isn't enough emotional programming on tap for the holidays already, Pixar has now made its latest feel-punching short film available free for the digital crowd (embedded above) for just a few days. The short -- Domee Shi's Bao -- centers on a woman who gets the...

All Hail Chris Pine, the Weirdest Chris in Hollywood

Welcome to TV Guide's 12 Days of Chris-Mas, a festive celebration of famous dudes named Chris. Every day leading up to Dec. 25, we will honor a single Chris, counting down to the best Chris of the year. Today, that honor goes to Chris Pine, the third best Chris. Chris Pine...

This Reno 911! Holiday Reunion Will Reignite Your Reboot Wishes

Ahead of the show's New Year's Eve marathon on Comedy Central, some of the cast of Reno 911! reunited for a holiday-themed PSA that basically boils down to this: don't call the cops on Christmas. Lt. Jim Dangle (Thomas Lennon) opens the segment in his signature short shorts...

السبت، 22 ديسمبر 2018

Marvel's Runaways Season 2 Recap: Which Kid Is Possessed by an Alien?

Marvel's Runaways' second season gave us more answers than we ever expected it to, but it also left us with one very huge question: Which runaway is possessed by one of Jonah's (Julian McMahon) body-jumping, alien children? Midway through the season, Stacey (Brigid Brannagh)...